b.../b fisesse que foi o milagre, e meu filho aqui com migo estar ja feis 2 anos,e acredito que vamos ficar muitos e muitos,mais continuo cada dia com mais fe,que meu filho ficou com sequelas, da bdoensa/b e tanbem vive metido com drogas, b.../b
In short, not everyone like Jan Doense who surprised me earlier today by making a comment in this blog under the post where i was straight-forwardly bashed his short work, Ver Weg. I wouldn't change my opinion, though. ...
het AMSTERDAM FANTASTIC FILM FESTIVAL, met aan het hoofd de hardwerkende, sympathieke horrorfanaat Jan Doense, maakt ook ieder jaar ruimte voor korte films uit Nederland. Wel sci-fi, horror, fantasy, animatie of aanverwant natuurlijk ...